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Jelly Beads Zipper!

Have you ever seen something pop up in your social media pictures, and you just HAVE to have it? For me, this was Lecien's Jelly Bead Zippers. I saw a few photos on Instagram and wondered what these new, chunky, adorable zippers were all about. What could you make with them? Where could you get them? How much were they? I couldn't seem to find answers anywhere!

Then at Quilt Market in Salt Lake this past spring, I saw them! "YES!" I thought to myself. "Now I can buy these!" Not so. They were just for display.

So I waited. And waited. And waited! Until finally I found some on Etsy! And when they came in the mail, these zippers did not disappoint!

With each zipper, a pattern to make a little hand-bag is included. So I whipped together a little bag in - I kid you not - 45 minutes. And I'm new to sewing. So if you have experience, it will take even less time!

I can DEFINITELY recommend these adorable zippers. Not only do I love them, but when my daughter brings this bag out, people always ask where she got such a cute bag. They always comment on the zipper, too!

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