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Why do you Quilt?

I'm curious why we each decided to quilt. And more so, why we keep doing it?

I started quilting because I saw so many exciting fabrics and quilts, and I wanted to be a part of it.

I keep quilting because it draws me in. There's fabric that I MUST have. I create patterns in my mind that I want to see in a finished product.

But the other day, I realized I had started pushing myself to make quilts so quickly that I had lost the joy in it. Quilting brings me joy, and the moment it stops, I need to evaluate what's off. I see on Instagram people making SO MANY quilts. Sometimes I feel like I need to race to keep up. But that's not why I quilt. Other times, I need to take care of my family, or rest myself. That's okay. Because when I take those breaks, it helps me realize how excited I am to come back to quilting. It's this creative outlet that calls to me.

So how about you? Why do you quilt? And have you ever had a time when you lost the joy behind it?

Here's to a new year filled with our true joy in quilting! And I hope

to be able to share in that joy with you!

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