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What Shade Are You Blog Tour

If told, "You can make ANY quilt design with ANY colors you want," what would you choose? That's exactly what RJR is doing with their 'What Shade Are You' blog tour. They are asking different pattern designers to come up with a new quilt pattern and choose ANY of their Cotton Supreme Solid fabrics to make it.

When RJR asked me to participate, I MAY have had an, "Oh my goodness - I can't believe they asked ME!" moment. And right after, or possibly at the same time, my mind went to work thinking up designs for a quilt and choosing which colors I wanted to use.

After lots of toying around with design ideas, I kept coming back to the one you see on this post.

Side note: I have yet to name this pattern. Any suggestions are welcome!

The quilt pattern is a design that plays with triangles, yet uses them to make circles. If you notice the quilting, I decided on a circular pattern for that as well, to go along with the larger circle shapes on the quilt.

But the colors? Oh man! I had so many different options going on in my mind. In fact, I still itch to make more quilts with some of those color options I didn't go with. But don't let that fool you that I wish I had chosen different colors for this project.

I LOVE how the bright colors mix together! The colors I used are RJR's Cotton Supreme Solids in the following colors:

1. Paris

2. Julep

3. Harlequin

4. Sweet Pea

5. Swan

So take a gander at some of the photos I took of my newest quilt. And I HIGHLY recommend visiting their blog to see what others have created with the same question, "What Shade Are You?".

Also: I will be making this into a pattern soon. If you want to be a pattern tester, be sure to email me to be added to my pattern tester email list. Email:

Thanks for taking a moment to read about my fun adventure with RJR fabrics!. Happy quilting, my friends!

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